Our commitments
Cycling is the very architype of the ultimate “Green” sport and means of transport
The Tour de Romandie has now been committed to sustainable development for some years.
Cycling already enjoys a “green” image in public opinion and represents the very architype of the “ecological” sport and means of transport par excellence.
It is not merely to follow current trends or to meet the demands and requirements of the sponsors, stage towns, cantons, the UCI or the IOC (which is enforcing the principles of sustainability throughout Olympic projects) that the Tour de Romandie is focusing on this field, but because compliance with the principles of sustainability is a universal duty, and even more so for the most important sporting event in French-speaking Switzerland.
From 2009, in particular with a study conducted with the AISTS (International Academy of Sport Science and Technology), the Tour de Romandie put in place different measures to plan and develop its work in the field of sustainable development.
The initial emphasis was put on waste management and transport development.

For waste management, the main goals were to:
• Reduce waste generation;
• Recover and selectively sort waste;
• Reinforce education and awareness of waste management.
• It was possible to achieve these goals by involving the different stakeholders (stage towns, highway departments, partners and sponsors), organising zones for selective waste sorting and setting up an educational campaign.
For transport development, the main goals were to:
• Promote soft mobility, car-sharing and public transport;
• Minimise traffic and resolve parking problems;
• Reduce the negative impact of transportation on the environment (CO2);
• Reinforce education and awareness with regard to mobility and health.
• It was possible to achieve these goals by encouraging the public to travel by bike or public transport, giving associations working in the field the opportunity to make a name for themselves, involving local clubs in the implementation of concrete measures (organising secure bike parking) or insisting on the beneficial effects of physical exercise on health and well-being.
The environmental aspects (reduction of the ecological impact of waste and transport), social aspects (health promotion, integration of local communities, etc.) and economic aspects (integration of local public transport companies, reduction of costs, economic and tourist promotion, etc.) were fully considered through these two initiatives.
The Tour de Romandie is constantly working to develop more initiatives so that the principles of sustainable development are applied and expanded upon as part of the event.
The Tour de Romandie Foundation is now a signatory of the UCI Climate